Bad and unexpected noise from my computer

It may be occurred by the several causes. There are many component may be caused for this problem Mainly hard drive, CD ROM drive, floppy drive, power supply unit, fan, speakers and monitor are caused for the bad noise. You can see all the components of your computer and make sure from where the bad noise comes from, and repair or replace the components to solve this type of problem. You can clean the computer time to time and check the connection cable and jack. I wish you can solve the problem of your computer. Thank you very much and good bye.
Identifying the noise coming from the computer is not that difficult. However, if it is coming from the inside like hardware components installed, you may get the best of you to fix internal hardware failure.
There are ways to identify the noise problem, such as beep sounds. Single beep, double and how the beep sounds being produced. How long will it beeps and how many times has it's on explanation and the fixes.
Most beep sounds can be fix by simple solutions, hardware, software or a malfunction of the devices. However, what ever the noise is coming from your computer, you need to know what is making noise and what are the characteristics.
1 Short beep is caused by DRAM failure
2 short beep is caused by Parity circuit failure
3 short beep is caused by Base 64K RAM failure
4 short beep is caused by System timer failure
5 short beep is caused by Process failure
6 short beep is caused by Keyboard controller Gate error
7 short beep is caused by Virgual mode
8 short beep is caused by Display memory failure
9 short beep is caused by ROM BIOS
10 short beep is caused by CMOS error
11 short beep is caused by Cache memory error
1 long, 3 short beep is caused by Extended memory failure
1 long, 8 short beep is caused by Display test failureÂ