Asked By
Glenn Moore
20 points
Posted on - 03/27/2012
How can I check out is there any bad sector in my computer’s Hard Disk?
Bad sectors in Hard Disk
You can check for bad sectors on your disk using Chkdsk. There are two ways you can do it, via the command prompt and via the Explorer.
Before you proceed, please note that if there are files open on the disk that is to be checked, you will be asked if you want it to run it on the next restart.
If you are on a read-only mode, chkdsk will note give you accurate report of the disk check. Moreover, it might take quite a long time to fully perform a disk check, depending on the size, number of files and your computer’s speed.
To run chkdsk via Command Prompt:
1. Press Windows button + R or go to Start à Run, type cmd and press enter.
2. In the command prompt, type chkdsk volume: /r (Volume is the letter assigned for your drive).
3. If any program/file on the disk to be checked is open, you will be asked if you want to reschedule this volume to be checked the next time the computer restarts.
Type Y. To run chkdsk via Windows Explorer:
1. Go to My Computer, right click the drive you want to perform a disk check on, and select Properties.
2. Go to the Tools tab.
3. Click Check Now under Error Checking. A dialog box will appear with chkdsk options.
4. Choose scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors and click Start.
5. If a message appears asking you to reschedule the disk check on your next restart, click Yes.
Bad sectors in Hard Disk
To run chkdsk on Windows XP, follow these steps:
1. Go to My Computer, locate the drive you want to check, right click on it and select Properties.
2. Go to the Tools tab. There you will find “Check Now” under Error checking. Click Check now.
3. A dialog box will show up displaying the options for disk checking.
If you want to run Chkdsk in read-only mode (note that you might not get the accurate report of the disk check), just click Start.
If you don’t want to scan for bad sectors but only repair errors, check automatically fix file system errors and click start.
If you want to make full use of Chkdsk, that is, locate bad sectors, repair disk errors and recover readable data, check scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors and click start.
4. If a file on the drive to be checked is opened, you will be asked if you want to reschedule chkdsk on your next restart. Click yes and restart your PC to start chkdsk.
Bad sectors in Hard Disk
I was always wanting to answer in this question and luckily I found yours answers very useful.
My computer is really very hard to handle that it makes me pissed every time, but at least now I can try fixing it later and check it so bad. if you guys weren't busy please visit my questions too if ever you have better answers to fill them though only if you guys have time.
Bad sectors in Hard Disk
Had these problem before too, and I hoped it was answered by that time too. Maybe I can saved my previous hard disk. Anyway too late for that.
Thanks for the solutions and it might help me in the future.
Bad sectors in Hard Disk
To run chkdsk manually from Windows Explorer, follow the steps:
1. Go to My Computer, right-click the drive you want to perform chkdsk on, and select Properties.
2. Go to the Tools tab and click “Check now” under Error checking. A dialog box will appear showing the options for chkdsk.
3. If you want to run chkdsk in read-only mode, just click start. If you want to repair errors without locating bad sectors, check automatically fix file system errors and click start, or if you want to locate bad sectors, repair errors and recover readable information, check scan for and attempt recovery of bad sectors and click start. By the way,
Can you guys help me reformat a laptop?
Bad sectors in Hard Disk
Hi Glenn Moore,
According to your question I have found another techyv link which is useful too.
Visit techyv this page " Repair bad sectors of a hard disk" get more helpful information.