Asked By
annie brown
20 points
Posted on - 05/10/2013
I would like to know the basic control and usage of Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) in MS Word. The main purpose for me is to create small word conversion tools using VBA. Please do the needful for providing the tutorial based on that, so that I can use it. Please help.
Basic control and usage of VBA
Hi Annie,
First, if you want to use the VBA feature of MS Word, the Developer tab should be present on the Menu.
If you are using MS Word 2010 and you cant see the Developer tab on the Ribbon,
add the Developer Tab by clicking the FILE menu, then OPTIONS.
From the WORD options window, check the Developer Checkbox on the Main Tabs on the right panel of your screen
Basic VBAÂ programming can be done thru use of MACRO or using the VBA CONTROLS
To use the CONTROLS, simply click the control you wanted to use. Â
For example, you can use the TEXTBOXÂ for your INPUT
Add a BUTTON where you will write behind it the code to convert the input to the output you want
You may use  the LABEL control for your Output.
To write the code, just double click the Button and write the code on it
There are some VBA programming help you can find on the web, just google it
To test, click the run button on the VBA window.