Hi friends
Can anyone tell me how to write a batch script to display progress counter for the file.
I have written few scripts before but i never came across the progress script.
Please help me to write script.
Batch script to display progress counter for the file
Hi Aldrin,
There is a good example of what you are looking on this web page. All you have to do is copy the code to notepad and save it with .BAT extension.
Creating progress counter using ECHO is not always a good idea since progress will easily go out of scope in the command prompt. One way to do it effectively is to add it in the command prompt title bar so it is always visible to the user. The example on the web site i mentioned above use the technique that I mentioned a while ago. Another effective way aside from it is to display an incremental number while copying counting from 0 to 100. This style is the most common to command prompt base applications I encountered.
I hope it helps.