If ever envia system battery will click on the consumer and buy and electric car just for it would it be worth it to save money compared to cars run by gas and can contain more heavy loads?
A Battery Breakthrough That Could Bring Electric Cars To The Masses
Hi there! Electric cars have some advantages compared to combustion engines car. For one, it is environment friendly for it does not emit pollutants such as carbon dioxide. Even if the source of electricity needed to charge the electric car comes from a carbon dioxide emitting source such as power plant that are coal fired or gas fired, the carbon dioxide production from such cars is about one half (1/2) less compared to that of combustion engines.
And when it comes to power, the difference is that a combustion engine vehicle must build RPMs (revolutions per minute) through acceleration until such time that it reaches its maximum power. But electric vehicles need not build RPMs because it’s immediate just like turning on a light.
And the cost to charge according to General Motors is less than that of buying gasoline. The Volt costs about 2 cents per mile compared to 12 cents per mile on a gasoline engine.