Benefit of using SR software

Hi folks,
Why speech recognition software must be trained to recognize individual voices. What type of users benefit from using this software?

Hi folks,
Why speech recognition software must be trained to recognize individual voices. What type of users benefit from using this software?
Voice recognition software recognizes the voice of the user; What is dictated by the microphone appears as an electronic document, word-processed.
Voice recognition software was invented originally for the less fortunate in order to use a computer, for example, persons with disabilities. Today you will notice that many people are capable of programming there is voice recognition software to do many things.
The advantage of the software is that people can talk about phrases and have the task force for you. If I had to speak the word "open word", then the program Microsoft Word opens. If I say that the computer 'I have a new job', the team could write it in word.
This is the basic idea of speech recognition. A user can find things with a combo of keyboard/speech of multitasking is easy.
I hope that this will give you the information you are looking for.
Yeah problem with voice recognition software is accurate and the need for a process of 'registration' one-hour train the software to follow the voice of the user.
But the voice recognition software gives you complete control of the voice of your digital world.
The majority of the people speak over 120 words per minute, but type less than 40 words per minute. That means you can create documents and e-mail messages three times faster with voice recognition software.
You can create reports, spreadsheets, or presentations; send emails, create tasks, or scheduling meetings, surfing the web, publish to FaceBook or Twitter and more—using only your voice
Check your PC in relaxed mode, hands free, without continually reach for the keyboard
Or the mouse. Say goodbye to the repetitive stress injuries.
I hope that this will give you the necessary information for