Please provide me the benefits and features of this device. The material used in the development of the scanners. The warranty of this device, compared to its performance, is it enough and well covered or is it justifiable? The materials used, in the development of this device, will protect from objects or accidents? Or it is still a device that cannot withstand pressure or accidental bumps. Please elaborate more if I need to replace parts of the board inside, will I be able to get it from any local store or I need to replace the entire scanner?
Benefits and features of NeatReceipts Mobile Scanner
          This scanner is really worth it and for starters the quick scan centers take less system resources which is efficient. This device is pretty painless to do easy job without lot of intention.
          So we can use at any time while watching TV/relaxing, etc.. The physical scanner is nice too though. It is not quality photo that's why I bought this package.
          The scanner works really well, a bit better than the silver versions, even they are supposedly same hardware. I find older versions of USB would fail recognized by windows XP but no such problem with new version.