Benefits to grab internet print

Which are the benefits if I will grab internet print? May be that will be better if I will use just my home printer?

Which are the benefits if I will grab internet print? May be that will be better if I will use just my home printer?
It is possible for computers running windows to use printers located all around the world for printing jobs by using internet printing.
If u just uses your home printer you can only print for yourself.
If you want your printing material to be printed on other systems connected to the internet at a different place internet printing can be used for these kinds of printing jobs.
Thank you.
This is somehow network print and you can use a network printer for such a purpose. It means that printer is not connected to your system but is located over a network that you are connected to. You can use the printing services over that network if printer is located at your home then you don't need to go anywhere to get your print.
Smith Thompson
Thanks, friends, for your comments. Aquino Meman, your opinion opened my mind and your comments make sense. I now know what is internet printing and I know what to do now. Thanks again for your suggestion, which has helped me make the right decision.