Best app to download Mac xml document viewer?

I've used a couple of programs but the interface are not that good and not user-friendly. Please recommend where to download Mac XML document viewer.

I've used a couple of programs but the interface are not that good and not user-friendly. Please recommend where to download Mac XML document viewer.
Try using Textwrangler which is a simple and free xml viewer,
Its more advance xml editor BBEDITÂ is as useful as Text wrangler but not for free.
There are many xml viewers that apple has to offered they also got their own free xml viewer.
Apple has a free xml viewer that is also simple and easy to use.
Here's the link for apple's free xml viewer.Â
Hoping that you haven't tried Text Wrangler which is both simple and free. Another option, BBE dit has more advanced features, but is it paid. You can download from App store as well as from publishers.
Since you are looking for an XML editor or viewer that can be used on your Mac PC, try one of the following: