I am trying to make a copy of my Windows XP installation disk. But I want to know that compared to each other which one among Nero, imgburn or Windows disk burner should I prefer for mounting the Windows XP professional ISO image?
Best burner for mounting Windows XP professional iso image
Hi Jurita,
I would recommend you to use imgburn. It is totally free burning application with advanced features and option. With imgburn you can burn and check disk images at ease. This program supports a lot of disk image format such as .bin, .cue, .iso and many more. Moreover you can create an image file from an existing disk.
Thank you.
Best burner for mounting Windows XP professional iso image
Hello Jurita,
Nero is best among imgburn or Windows disk burner. Nero provides best and clear options for creating image from CD/DVD. Nero is best for beginners. You can also use imgburn if you do not have Nero, but the options are quite puzzling in imgburn. If you are going to do it first time then I recommend you to use Nero.
Best burner for mounting Windows XP professional iso image
In disc images, mounting and burning are two different things. One software may offer burning of disc images like ISOs but it may not offer the functionality of mounting the ISO file. When you say burn, you have a disc image like an ISO file that can be burned on a blank CD or DVD disc.
When you say mount, the disc image or ISO file is mounted or ported on your computer via a virtual drive. The virtual drive acts as an actual or real optical drive and the ISO file is like a CD or DVD disc that you insert on the optical drive.
When the ISO file has been mounted on a virtual drive, you can access its contents just like a normal drive. The applications you mentioned are all good burners but I’m not sure if they can mount an ISO file or if they support mounting of disc images. If you want to burn and mount an ISO file, download DAEMON Tools Lite.