Asked By
20 points
Posted on - 04/04/2012
Hello there,
Could I just ask your opinions what would be the best blog site to join. I only knew but I'm planning to create another one but I don't know other sites.
Are there any other blog sites that are free and is also user-friendly?
Best Free Blog Site Today
Yes there are many free blog sites for blogging, please see the list below:
1: – Another site based on the Danga software that runs LiveJournal, offers free and paid accounts, paid benefits are only enhancements.
2: – A site dedicated to travel blogs with map integration and more.
3: – A blog site specifically for your text messages and camera phone images.
4:– You can straightforwardly publish text, podcasts, pictures, media files, as well as more with just a single mouse click.
5: – Edublogs lets you easily create and manage student and teacher blogs, fast customize designs as well as include videos, photos and podcasts – it’s safe, easy as well secure.
And many more sites of free blogging.
Best Free Blog Site Today
Aside from WordPress, Blogger is also one of the leading blogging space that have a large number of users. The service is free hosted by Google on the subdomain of<mpl=start#s01.
Another one is Tumblr or the Tumble log. This blogging service excels in photo blogging and their sense of community.
Posterous is the same as Tumblr. You can be able to post pictures, text, audio and videos. But they do not have reblog. Your post can also be sent out to Facebook and Twitter.
Twitter is not a blogging service but a micro blog instead. You can only write 140 characters or less, but the good part is that it doesn't take the time to get started and be updated.
Xanga is one of the popular blogging services and one of the oldest.
Weebly is a blogging service and a hosted website. This service is free and ad-free. But you can also upgrade to a premium account. Their pages are very customizable.