Best movie file and folder renamer

I have lots of movies in my computer, and I planned to rename them accordingly. Is there a tool or an app that can do the renaming easily? What's the best movie file and folder renamer? Thank you.

I have lots of movies in my computer, and I planned to rename them accordingly. Is there a tool or an app that can do the renaming easily? What's the best movie file and folder renamer? Thank you.
When you rename the file or movie or any type of file first of all select the file or movie. then write click on the file when menu bar or option bar is opened you can choose the rename option and rename the file or movie. Otherwise you select the file and press F2 for rename the file or movie.
Hi there! There are so many files and folder renamer that you can purchase should you wish to. You can try looking for a freeware to download or trial softwares. However we need to consider that it may only have limited features unlike the full version. You pick! Hope this one helps.