The Best SFTPServer For Windows That Wins Customers

Which is the best SFTP for Windows not on paper but in terms of usage? What are the pros and cons of the CoreFTP server?

Which is the best SFTP for Windows not on paper but in terms of usage? What are the pros and cons of the CoreFTP server?
I have used many SFTP servers. CoreFTP was super straightforward, yet excessively basic. It couldn't set up consents so individuals can't change records on my PC. Cygwin worked in the long run, however it was only a major agony in the butt when it didn’t truly must be.
Bitvise SSH server performed the best out of those. I utilized only the individual permit variant, could set up a virtual record and everything is by all accounts chugging along until further notice. The main dubious thing for this was when utilizing a virtual record, you have to permit your ‘bitvise SSH virtual clients’ account in Windows consent to see the documents in whatever registry you need to share.