Best SQL Management for Online Marketing Corporation

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

Dear Expert,

My company is now in the process of upgrading our server for more faster and reliable network. What is the best SQL Management for an online marketing corporation? What are the features and advantages of sql management light compare to others?
I hope you can help me past. Thank you.
Jansen Waltz
Answered By 0 points N/A #160666

Best SQL Management for Online Marketing Corporation


I think SQL Management light has no real advantages from SQL Management Enterprise other than SQL Management Light is free. Microsoft's SQL Management Enterprise is a powerful SQL Management tool that can help you set-up and manage your databases, it gives you a table view of all your database and tables.

It's easy to you because the script that you can use for Querying, Updating and Inserting data are T-SQL formats.

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