I need to download a translator software that can translate languages such as Spanish, German, Dutch and Hindi. Please suggest the best translator software and how I can download it.
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Best Translator Software for Spanish, German, Dutch and Hindi Languages
There are plenty of online live translators on the net and most of them are good but inaccurate if you translate a whole sentence. You should only type single words or grammatically correct sentences (but as I’ve said most of them are grammatically incorrect or rephrased) to have a descent output. Remember, many words on different languages have different or multiple meaning and you may not acquire the most accurate translation because this translation engines has no context to work with.
You can try to translate your word(s) back and forward and see if the output is the same and also judge the translator’s accuracy, but the results will only show you that the engine you are using is either good or consistently bad. Here is the list of some sites that offers online translations:
Google translate
Nice translator
Prompt translator
SDL free translator
Yahoo!Babel Fish
You may also try Babylon 9, a translation software and dictionary tool. You can download it from Babylon 9 – Translation Software and Dictionary Tool.