Best use of UPS to increase life time

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

How can I use my UPS to increase life time of it?

Is it good to change the UPS continuously or to charge it few hours before power  on the PC? 

Is there any other advice on this?

Best Answer by Tanok Bloran
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 80 points N/A #115187

Best use of UPS to increase life time


UPS or Uninterrupted Power Supply is a set of batteries that provide emergency powers to devices that are susceptible to break-down due to power interruptions or fluctuations. It is great to help you ensure that these devices or peripherals will last a long time than expected instead of having it break-down in the near-future.

However, like other electric devices, we would like to make sure that our UPS will not easily break-down and that it’ll last more than the price its worth.

For this, we must do a regular equipment testing and schedule maintenance to ensure it is working properly.

When we say maintenance schedule it could be done quarterly, semiannually, or even annually.

Please go to here

Further assistance on how to do a maintenance schedule for your UPS to maintain its good working condition.

Answered By 10 points N/A #115188

Best use of UPS to increase life time


If you want to increase life time of your UPS then you have follow some rules.Main part UPS is battery. So the care should be taken for UPS's battery. Please recalibrate your UPS's battery sensor as per six months and change battery after a year or so. Some UPS sellers provide service contracts,so take advantage of it.

Rules for increasing UPS's life time: do not allow your UPS so much discharge,keep away your UPS from more worm, low temperature,or humidity. Make sure your UPS is kept on dry place and get sufficient air flow.

Keep temperature under 75° ferenheit or 24° celcius.Do not store your UPS,use at least daily.

Do not utilize your UPS over 75% of it's capacity.

Answered By 10 points N/A #115189

Best use of UPS to increase life time


Hey Tanok.

Thanks for the cool link: 

Very useful indeed.

For those who will need this information just like me, I got these info below about UPS (very informative site)

TechyV you're the best!

Answered By 80 points N/A #115190

Best use of UPS to increase life time


You are most welcome, Leona. Glad we are able to provide you the information you need.

Feel free to contact us any time if you need further assistance about other technical issues.

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