A Better Flashplayer 11.3 for Firefox

Recent news provided information that Flashplayer 11.3 will be augmenting sandboxing in Firefox.
What is sandboxing?

Recent news provided information that Flashplayer 11.3 will be augmenting sandboxing in Firefox.
What is sandboxing?
Hello Christinajstroud! Sandboxing is a form of mechanism for separating running programs.
It is used to limit the access of an untrusted or untested program, untrusted sources, users and websites. Sandboxing is a technique used to protect “live” computers, servers or any device and their data from a potentially unsafe program.
It can also be viewed as virtualization. It has been in the interest of system researchers, one researcher gave an abstract definition in his 1971 paper that he called “Protection.” He highlighted properties of multiple existing protection and access-control enforcements mechanisms, which are a lot like sandboxing, but this he referred to as a “Domain.”
Hope this answers your question.
The term Sandbox can be classified into two, which are for the: computer security, and for the software development. For computer security, it is a protection method used in isolating running programs or applications.
Most of the time, sandbox is used to test and run untested code, and or untrusted applications from untested suppliers, third-parties, untrusted users, and most especially from untrusted websites where most of the malicious codes usually come from. It normally offers a strictly controlled group of resources where the program can be executed and tested.
For the software development part, it can be used as a testing environment that separates untested code changes and absolute experimentation from the building environment or area. It is pretty similar to the computer security because it also separates running applications from the program you are testing.
But here in the software development, it is used mainly to test software that are presently under development stage to see the different changes and to possibly find problems while it is being tested. So in general, Sandbox acts as a virtual machine for any programs, applications, or software that needs to be tested.