Black Berry App Error type : 100002
Hi friends,
There was a problem reading data from the
Hi friends,
There was a problem reading data from the
Answer: Hello dear friend,
I would like to give you this suggestion. Please try this solution and solve your problem. Reinstall the apps you can follow this step from Appworld guide.
1. From the My world screen click the menu bottom.
2. Click log in.
3. Login information type for your pay pal account.
4. Each item re-install individually.
For update and install follow this step.
1. Homescreen Options, Advance Options, Applications, Highlight the app, Delete.
2. Appworld, Myworld, Login, Highlight the app, Delete.
3. Use your pc for any reference folder and delete whatever you find. Search media card and device memory both.
4. Follow the above appworld for re-install the app.
james ripon