Black screen with blinking cursor on my Dell Laptop

Asked By 1070 points N/A Posted on -

Hi am looking for someone who can help me fix my computer problem, that has been making me too frustrated for the past two days.

For the same problem I have called Dell. But since my computer's warranty has expired, they said I need to pay for the troubleshooting. So I am here, looking out for help from someone who could help me to fix this.

The problem is, when I turn on the computer, I see a black screen with a blinking cursor. It never takes me to the Main screen. I have no idea on what appended to my computer. I would be very thankful, if you could help me fix the problem. It’s a Dell Inspiron laptop.

Best Answer by jamesfedric
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Answered By 970 points N/A #103825

Black screen with blinking cursor on my Dell Laptop


Hello Mr. Steve,

I’ve just came here to post one of my question regarding No Connection issue. While searching for that solution, I came across your question. The problem that you are facing with your computer happened to me long ago. So don’t worry I am here to give you the accurate troubleshooting to fix this problem.

You have a Dell Laptop right. So it’s very easy to troubleshoot this problem, since Dell provides many options to identify and heal these kinds of errors.

The first one we could do is, let’s make sure whether this is hardware or a Software Problem. To identify this Dell has a special Diagnostic Software in it called PSA or PAID Diagnostics.

  • To initiate the PSA, Press and Hold the FN key and then press the Power button at the time when your laptop is turning on.
  • Once when you do it correctly, you may see the Diagnostics screen. Select Full Test. Now the diagnostics is running tests to make sure that all the hardware components are fine in your laptop.
  • Once when it is completed successfully, then it means your computer hardware is working fine, may be you need to reformat the Operating system after taking up the Back up.
  • If the diagnostics show some error, then you need to make a note of the error code and mail the Technical support and convey them this error code, stating that you have run a diagnostic test. So they may say what part has gone bad. I hope they won't charge anything.

As I said before if it is a hardware problem, take a Data backup and try reinstall the Operating system, which may fix the problem. Dell also has an option to initiate FIHD. Install where initiating it would completely reinstall the fresh copy of OS onto your Computer. For Details on reverting back to factory setting visit:

Kindly do this, it may show some improvements and these are the two ways I did to fix the problem.

Answered By 1070 points N/A #103826

Black screen with blinking cursor on my Dell Laptop


Hey Fedric, great man. You have solved the problem.

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