Blackberry application with BRK introduction

What will be the role of the BRK before the introduction of the blackberry application? How long would it take to download the SP3 towards the blackberry application?Â

What will be the role of the BRK before the introduction of the blackberry application? How long would it take to download the SP3 towards the blackberry application?Â
Hi Analyn,
You can find all the SPs and MRs on the download section. I usually get to it by going to support, software support, BES, and then click on the "service packs, maintenance releases, and hotfixes" link under the Downloads section. You can select BES Express from the drop down to see all of the downloads applicable to BES Express.
As far as the stability of SP3 I'm pretty sure if there were problems with it we would have heard about it by now. Its been out for the paid overpriced BES for a month. Then again what do I know? I'll be upgrading my BES during our next maintenance window. This would help.