Blackberry Desktop software cannot communicate with the connected device
Hello Everyone,
I have been trying to upgrade the software of my BB9900 and was unable to do so. I get this error show in the screenshot below when attempting to do so. I downloaded the Desktop Manager and deleted the ‘vendor.xml’ file. And then opening it gives me this ‘Cannot communicate with connected device error’. I tried the ‘Retry’ option and getting the same error displayed again, I tried to update. And I get a message that says no device software updates are available. Is it necessary to have active BlackBerry subscriptions to perform a software upgrade? I don’t I have done anything to damage or change the settings of my BlackBerry. What could be causing this error? Have any ideas anyone? Please suggest. Thanks a million for your help.
Blackberry desktop software cannot communicate with the connected device.
If the device is rebooting or has a dead battery. Click retry to attempt to reconnect once the device reboots.
If clicking retry doesn’t connect the device. Or the device isn’t rebooting with a charged battery. you might need to update your blackberry tablet OS to correct the problem.