Blackberry launching its new mobile?

Blackberry to launch its new Blackberry mobile 10 version. Does anyone have information about the features and specifications of it?

Blackberry to launch its new Blackberry mobile 10 version. Does anyone have information about the features and specifications of it?
The RIM said that the Blackberry 10 has been pushed back until 2013 because of a huge miss in its quarterly earnings . The company has been struggling through delays of previous products and can’t quite seem to get its act together. Therefore, as of today, there are no reports or rumors yet, of what the Blackberry 10’s features and specifications are.
Hi Christina,
It is announced that the Official Launch date for the new Blackberry 10 will be 30th January 2013. Its operating system has been designed for a Full touch screen Smartphone and for better Apps and Internet browsing experience for the user. Blackberry 10 with a physical keyboard is said to release after the touch screen version.