Blackberry’s latest app was launched

Asked By 30 points N/A Posted on -


blackberry has this so called mobile app"financial  application"  how can we be sure that this is safe and away from identity theft and risk


Answered By 0 points N/A #133996

Blackberry’s latest app was launched



Hi there!

Financial applications for BlackBerries fall into three types:

The first type is money managers for personal use. These applications provide solutions to maintain personal finances such as keeping checkbooks and managing receipts. These programs can keep records of several credit card and bank accounts.

Another type is about stock market tracking application. It keeps the user  updated with stock market fluctuations. It helps the user in making investment decisions and it can also make currency conversions.

Lastly, there are online banking applications that enable the user to check bank balances, make payments, do fund transfer  while on the go. This is just like the applications on the web by some banking institution.

So regardless of the type of financial management applications that you need, you need to check out the reviews of those applications for safety and security purposes.

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