BlackberryCurve 8520 keeps on rebooting and cannot be detected on my PC

Hi! I have a Blackberry Curve 8520. I recently installed two applications through its application download. The device was rebooted after the download but during the restart of the device an error popped up and made the device freeze. It gives an error " reload software 552". The only way to turn it off was to remove the battery. It still says that when it was restarted. The data on my phone cannot be backed up because it would say that the device is no longer connected and it asks for a password when I tried to open the application loader. I know I do not have a password for my phone. Now, I am having a problem backing up my data to my PC because it does not detect the connection because of that error message. Please see attached file for the error message I have. If you have a solution to this problem, I’d be your best friend forever. Thank you.

BlackBerry® Desktop Software cannot communicate with the connected device.
If the device is rebooting or has a dead battery, click Retry to attempt to reconnect once the device reboots.
If clicking Retry doesn’t connect the device, or the device isn’t rebooting with a charged battery. you might need to update your BlackBerry® Device Software to correct the problem.
Troubleshoot your device connection