Hi TechyV buddies!
I am having some browsing problems. When I try to open a site, I often encounter blank pages or a page that doesn’t have any content at all. But sometimes, a message link appears instead of a blank page.
And when I click on this link a blank page also comes out.
Can you tell me the problem that I have encountered?
I am so much grateful if a good solution can be provided to his.
Thank you!
Blank page problems when Browsing a site
Hi Otis,
You forgot to tell what browser you are using. Anyway, there are lot of reason why you are encountering this issue. Try to open your Control Panel then go to Tools>Internet Options>General and then click to use it as the Default. Also, please check on your Java and Flash settings, sometimes this is the problem why you cannot load anything on your browser correctly. You may also want to check on the plug-ins that you installed and uninstall plug-ins if it’s causing an issue. Lastly, scan your computer for possible virus.
I hope you can be able to fix this.
Blank page problems when Browsing a site
Hallo Otis,
If you are getting a blank page when opening a web page it possibly because of the following reasons:
The website you are trying to access does not load completely.
Your connection to the internet is too slow, and therefore the pages you are trying to access do not load fully.
The pages you are trying to access may be too heavy too, and therefore having problems loading.
To resolve the issue, you will need to do the following:
Check your connection speed to the internet and make sure that it is strong enough. You can do that using the PING command at the command prompt.
You can as well try using an alternative browser for the browser you are using right now may be having some issues.
Try restarting the computer to refresh the browser settings.