Blending Images in photoshop C6 from different layers

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I have Photoshop C.C., i had different layers from which there are images, How can I blend the images so that I can remove the sharp edges of the photos? I want to create a canvas of 12 * 24 Inches with a collage of Images and they should look like a scrap of images.

Answered By 0 points N/A #166943

Blending Images in photoshop C6 from different layers


I'll use just two photos to give you an overview on how to blend the photos together. Following these instructions you should be able to blend a number of pictures together with great results.   

Follow the steps below to blend your photos together:

1. Open two photos in Photoshop in separate windows and place them side-by side.

2. Enlarge your canvas of the image on the left and make it approximately double the size of your original photo. But, first double-click the layer in your layers palette to change it from a Background to a Layer.

A window will display allowing you to rename this layer. Once you have renamed the layer, increase it to the size of the canvas. Select Image>Canvas Size and select the center left Anchor to expand the canvas on the right side. Select Ok and you will see that your image has added space on the right of it.

3. Place the photos next to each other.

Using the move tool, choose the photo on the right and move it to the photo on the left.

The photos are now in the same window. The Layers Palette displays left portrait and Layer 1.

4. Adding Layer masks to the layers

The two images are now next to each other but they still need to be blended together. You can see that their backgrounds are slightly different shades.

You will need to make a Layer Mask for each layer so you can add the gradient that will blend the two layers together. To do this, go to the Layers Palette and click on each individual layer. Click the icon that shows a rectangle with a circle inside it. After you have done this, a white rectangle displays in both of your layers. Now you have created a Layer Mask.

5.  Applying a gradient

To activate a Layer Mask, first click the white rectangle inside an image layer. Select the Gradient tool. Make the background transparent gradient. This can be done by using the options in edit in the tool bar at the top. Select Linear as you Gradient option. This will ensure that the gradient remains straight. Also make sure you leave the Mode at Normal with the Opacity at 100%.

Click and hold on the outside just to the right of the photo on your left photo and move the mouse back towards the photo. To create a seamless blend, you will need to move across the left photo just a little. Release it and you will see a softer and smoother gradient

If you are not quite happy with the results, you can redo the last step until you are happy with the results.

6. Applying your Second Gradient

Repeat the actions from above for the photo on the right.   

Click and hold on the outside to the left of the photo and move the mouse towards the right to create your soft blend.

7. Position the photos next to each other

Turn both layers back on and use the move tool to move the photo on the right over the one on the left until your blend is how you want it. You do not want to see the transparency under the images.

Step 8 – Crop your image and save

Remove any excess canvas using the tool for cropping. Once you have completed this step, your image can be saved.


Answered By 0 points N/A #166944

Blending Images in photoshop C6 from different layers


I'll use just two photos to give you an overview on how to blend the photos together. Following these instructions you should be able to blend a number of pictures together with great results.   

Follow the steps below to blend your photos together:

1. Open two photos in Photoshop in separate windows and place them side-by side.


2. Enlarge your canvas of the image on the left and make it approximately double the size of your original photo. But, first double-click the layer in your layers palette to change it from a Background to a Layer.

A window will display allowing you to rename this layer. Once you have renamed the layer, increase it to the size of the canvas. Select Image>Canvas Size and select the center left Anchor to expand the canvas on the right side. Select Ok and you will see that your image has added space on the right of it.

3. Place the photos next to each other.

Using the move tool, choose the photo on the right and move it to the photo on the left.

The photos are now in the same window. The Layers Palette displays left portrait and Layer 1.

4. Adding Layer masks to the layers

The two images are now next to each other but they still need to be blended together. You can see that their backgrounds are slightly different shades.

You will need to make a Layer Mask for each layer so you can add the gradient that will blend the two layers together. To do this, go to the Layers Palette and click on each individual layer. Click the icon that shows a rectangle with a circle inside it. After you have done this, a white rectangle displays in both of your layers. Now you have created a Layer Mask.

5.  Applying a gradient

To activate a Layer Mask, first click the white rectangle inside an image layer. Select the Gradient tool. Make the background transparent gradient. This can be done by using the options in edit in the tool bar at the top. Select Linear as you Gradient option. This will ensure that the gradient remains straight. Also make sure you leave the Mode at Normal with the Opacity at 100%.

Click and hold on the outside just to the right of the photo on your left photo and move the mouse back towards the photo. To create a seamless blend, you will need to move across the left photo just a little. Release it and you will see a softer and smoother gradient

If you are not quite happy with the results, you can redo the last step until you are happy with the results.

6. Applying your Second Gradient

Repeat the actions from above for the photo on the right.   

Click and hold on the outside to the left of the photo and move the mouse towards the right to create your soft blend.

7. Position the photos next to each other

Turn both layers back on and use the move tool to move the photo on the right over the one on the left until your blend is how you want it. You do not want to see the transparency under the images.

Step 8 – Crop your image and save

Remove any excess canvas using the tool for cropping. Once you have completed this step, your image can be saved.


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