Blogger Error unable to complete your request bX-vjhbsj

So I decide to finally put up my on travel Blogsite so I can share my travel experience to the world. First that pops up on Google to make a blog site is blogger.
This is going to be the first time that I will try to build my Blogsite using Blogger so I'm kind a not familiar with this.Â
After I posted my first post, I got this very weird error:

We're sorry, but we were unable to complete your request.
when reporting this error to Blogger Support or on the Blogger Help Group, please:
Describe what you were doing when you got this error.
Provide the following error code and additional information
So what I did is log out to blogger and rebooted my computer.
After that, I tried to log in again to blogger but I still get this error.
I didn't touch it for sometime now because I get irritated whenever I see that error.