The Bluetooth adapter in my Dell core i3 N series laptop is not working and it shows a yellow exclamation mark when I go into the device manager. I have tried updating the driver for it and it says it is updated. The sign goes away for now but reappears again after a minute? What might be causing this problem? Is this a hardware driver related issue or is my Bluetooth adapter damaged?
Bluetooth adapter showing a yellow exclamation mark, not working!
There is no hard and fast rule for troubleshooting. You may try the following:
Make sure you have downloaded the exact Bluetooth driver from the dell support page.
Make sure you uninstall the old Bluetooth from your laptop through device manger before installing the new driver.
Your Bluetooth is enabled from the BIOS.
Your Bluetooth is enabled from the button on your laptop.
A warm reboot after uninstalling the old driver will also help.
Bluetooth adapter showing a yellow exclamation mark, not working!
Hello, Edith!
 I think this is related to your Bluetooth settings. Sometimes file sharing may be off or limited for a certain amount of time, so go to connection, then Bluetooth settings and then enable the file sharing on. Please ensure this. It probably didn't do any harm to your computer.
Bluetooth adapter showing a yellow exclamation mark, not working!
Yellow exclamation mark on Bluetooth device is very common. When yellow exclamation mark on Bluetooth then Bluetooth will not be working.
Yellow exclamation mark on Bluetooth is a hardware driver issue.
Resolve this issue update the Bluetooth driver and restart the system.
May be sysem doesn't support driver.
May be OS doesn't support .