BMC Remedy Pre-Configured Stack 7.6.04 SP2 Installation Failed

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -


I found a problem in BMC Remedy software. While i was trying to set up, I got the error.

I am not finding any option for SQL authentication and also for username with password.

But previously I was login on it with my user ID and also I have admin rights.

What is the problem?

Please help.

Thanks in advance.

Installation Summary

The installation of BMC Remedy Action Request System 7.6.04 5P2 was completed successfully

See /tmp/arsystem_install_loq.txt.


Database client version is and is compatible as per the compatibility matrix.

AR Server post installation check passed

Approval Server post installation check passed

Answered By 10 points N/A #139547

BMC Remedy Pre-Configured Stack 7.6.04 SP2 Installation Failed


Hello Doreth,

In the event that you upload a document using the upload a file setting, SBS will try to convert the document and after that display it on the page. This will enable the users to read it without having to download the document first.

You can as well just turn off the feature as well as the error messages using the system property officeIntegration.enabled to false. You may have to create it if you in case you are missing on your system properties list.

If you turn on the feature, you should know that there is a critical bug associated with that. If documents are converted, they end up losing the tags. So you would rather not convert the document until you upgrade the software.



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