Boeing’s super safe Android phone

With Boeings announcement of release of its super safe highend Android phone later this year, what enhanced features will it have that will make people want to have it?

With Boeings announcement of release of its super safe highend Android phone later this year, what enhanced features will it have that will make people want to have it?
Dear friend,
The main idea of Boeing to produce an android type of phone is because it will offer the user mostly the military a consumer device with security for encryption on both data and voice trafficking. This feature will be vital and efficient for the target group. The android was invented to resemble and eventually replace the smart phones. This is because the smart phones are mainly used by the military, the government officials, and the commercial users. Thus the device will finally offer a highly graded form of security and functions to the target users. More over this phone will offer advanced specifications therefore will be extremely competitive in the world of technology.