Boot up problem Inspiron 525.

Asked By 0 points N/A Posted on -

I have Dell Inspiron1525 and it is not booting up.

Activity light just flickering up to 4 seconds and the power lights is on.

It is not booting up and stays on black screen. Even after trying all commands, but nothing works.

Please help me. 

Best Answer by lee hung
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 75 points N/A #108472

Boot up problem Inspiron 525.


Hello Lluna,

Have you checked the video graphics adapter cables and ensured that they are tightly connected? Because sometimes when the VGA cables are loosely attached they cause the flickering screen problem.

Also, did you make any changes to the computer? Like performing an installation of a certain program or installing updates to the computer? If the program or the updates were not compatible to the operating system that you are using they could be possible cause of the problem.

So may just consider restoring to system to previous state before the error started occurring the system restore utility. If you cannot access the system restore in the normal windows mode then you will have to switch to safe mode to access system restore.


Lee Hung

Answered By 15 points N/A #108474

Boot up problem Inspiron 525.


If there are activity lights and no beep error codes and the machine sound as though it is booting up fine minus the blank screen, then you most likely have a defective LCD display or a defective video card.


Try connecting a known working external monitor to the VGA port of the computer. If it's able to show you the expected display, then your video card is still working but you need to have your computer's LCD replaced. If the working external monitor doesn't display anything, then most likely the problem is caused by your video not being fried. You may need to have your motherboard replaced or the video card itself replaced if it's a discreet video card.


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