Bored With Outlook, Get Some Free Email Software Like Outlook

List some free email software like Outlook which facilitates better features better user interface and should be easy to use and should not need high internet consumption?

List some free email software like Outlook which facilitates better features better user interface and should be easy to use and should not need high internet consumption?
Since Windows 8, Microsoft have packaged an essential email customer with their working framework – the innovatively titled Mail. The exact elements change contingent upon which rendition of Windows you're utilizing, however every one of them incorporate with Windows' People and Calendar applications, giving you fast access to your contacts and arrangements. The interface is smooth and simple to use over all renditions, and including a record is simple: simply select the kind of record you have and sign in with your email location and secret word.
The enormous drawback is that prior variants (before the late Windows 10 redesign) don't bolster POP-based email accounts. Nowadays, it's not a broadly utilized organization (and in case you're not certain what sort of record you have, contact your email supplier) yet all the same, it's another justifiable reason motivation to move up to Windows 10. All things considered, there are still a couple bugs to be resolved in the new form – pop-up notices don't generally work!