Brief For Out Of Office Message No Longer With Company And Overcoming The Same

Hey, brief about the out of office message no longer with company and also notify how to overcome the same as well for the easy reference. Thanks for solving.

Hey, brief about the out of office message no longer with company and also notify how to overcome the same as well for the easy reference. Thanks for solving.
Hello, the out of office message no longer with company mainly deals with if your are no longer working with the company or you are out with some other work and you can mentioned to mail other person for the work getting in process. If you no longer work than we can access its account by the owner though the below steps successfully:
• First you can change the former employee account passwords.
• Next can place an auto responder for the time been.
• Setup a filter to forward the emails and work is still in process.
• Also can set a reminder to delete the account respectively.
• Also can take the backup and then delete the account as well.