Brief For Paint Shop Pro For Windows 7 And Its Trails

Hello, brief about the paint shop pro for windows 7 and also notify that is it available for a trial not. Thanks for solving and reply ASAP.

Hello, brief about the paint shop pro for windows 7 and also notify that is it available for a trial not. Thanks for solving and reply ASAP.
Hello, yes the paint shop pro for windows 7 is available for a 30 days free trial and the same can be downloaded from the internet as well and the file size will be smaller for the same too. Also it is supported in many windows platforms such as Xp / 2000 / 98 and many others too. The key features for the same are listed below:
• It gives you easy and the adjust gradients for the making
• It starts your project faster with the help of the templates.
• Can capture as well as edit the files and images as well.
• Can quickly apply the fun and other creative effects too.