Brief For The Procedure Entry Point Decodepointer Kernel32.Dll And Supported OS

Hello, notify in brief for procedure entry point decodepointer kernel32.dll and its Os supports too. Reply asap and thanks.

Hello, notify in brief for procedure entry point decodepointer kernel32.dll and its Os supports too. Reply asap and thanks.
Hey, the procedure entry point decodepointer kernel32.dll is due because of windows 2003 which has installed the service pack and too resolve the same issues as well. Also it’s been seen in various other windows supported OS too. Below shows the supported SO for the same as well:
• Windows server 2003
• Windows 10
• Windows 7
• Linux
• Mac Os X etc.
It is unclear where you encountered this error because it can be triggered from almost any software you have. The full error message reads “The procedure entry point DecodePointer could not be located in the dynamic link library KERNEL32.dll”. You can encounter this error when upgrading your operating system to the latest Service Pack.
It can also be encountered by simply running a program such as Microsoft Internet Explorer. If you are upgrading your operating system’s Service Pack when you bump in to this error, check the system requirements of the Service Pack update you are installing. There are prerequisites to follow when installing newer Service Packs.
Since this problem is pretty common on Windows XP, here’s how to perform the update properly. Because support for Windows XP has been terminated, you must be using Service Pack 3 if ever you are still on Windows XP. To upgrade to Service Pack 3, you must be running at least Service Pack 1 on Windows XP.
You cannot update to Service Pack 3 if your Windows XP is not running with any Service Pack. So, to upgrade to Service Pack 3, install either Service Pack 1 or Service Pack 2 on your Windows XP and then you can proceed to Service Pack 3 after that. Also take note, you cannot upgrade to Service Pack 3 if you have Windows XP Professional 64-bit or Windows XP Embedded.
Download Windows XP Service Pack 2. After installing this, you can now update to Windows XP Service Pack 3. If you have Windows 7, you must update to Windows 7 Service Pack 1.