Brief For The Recovering Data From A Bad Hard Drive In Stepwise

Hello, brief about the recovering data from a bad hard drive and notify the steps for the same too. Reply ASAP and thanks for solving the same as well.

Hello, brief about the recovering data from a bad hard drive and notify the steps for the same too. Reply ASAP and thanks for solving the same as well.
Hey, the recovering data from a bad hard drive has a user friendly data recovery wizard named Ease US which helps to get back the data easily in few steps. The same are in many brands present in the market such as Samsung, western digital and many more. The same is supported in various OS such as windows as well as in Mac systems too. Below shows its steps:
• First launch the ease us software and type for the recovery and click on next
• Next select the disk that is lost and scan the same. Also if you have lost the partition then select for the lost disk drives respectively.
• Scan the drives continuously
• Next all the recovered files are listed one below the other
• Manually search for the file and click for the recover option and it’s done successfully.
The only way to recover data from a bad hard drive is to fix the error first and since the problem is with a hard drive, you need to use a disk utility software like PC Tools Performance Toolkit to fix the problem. Download and install it on your computer then in PC Tools, go to “Recovery” tab and click “Repair Drives”.
In “Repair Drive”, select “Surface Scan” to diagnose the drive physically for damaged areas and marking them as bad so they won’t be used again. Check “Perform on reboot” then select the drive you want to test. Click “Start” then “Continue” to begin checking.
Close all applications then restart the computer. After the test, log in to your account and copy all the recoverable files from the drive. If you have many files on the drive, expect that some of them are broken or damaged. Just check every recovered file and delete the damaged ones.