Brief For The Repairing An External Hard Drive In Steps Too

Hello, brief for the repairing an external hard drive and its steps too as a reference too and reply asap and also thank you for solving.

Hello, brief for the repairing an external hard drive and its steps too as a reference too and reply asap and also thank you for solving.
Hey, the repairing an external hard drive can look for the internal damage or the exterior ones. It can be also logical problems faced for the HDD and can cause the loss of data so it needs to be formatted. Also can use the various repair software’s present over the internet as well. Below shows the steps for it:
• First go to computer and click on the drive that need to check
• Net click on tools > error checking > check now
• Now manually select the file systems error fixing and scan for the recovery as well
• Next click for start and process begins.
If you have a problem accessing your external hard drive, the usual problem is an error with the file system. Problems like this normally triggers different sorts of errors even when just accessing the drive. Sometimes you can access the drive but you cannot open any of its files. There are also times copying files and folders to or from the drive is not possible.
The easiest way to fix this kind of error is to simply format the hard drive but the problem is with the contents that will be lost. If you can still access its contents and copy files from it, backup all of its contents and then format it.
But in case accessing the drive and its contents is not possible, you need to fix the error first before you format the drive. Download and install PC Tools Performance Toolkit. Once installed, connect the external hard drive to your computer then launch PC Tools and then go to “Recovery” tab and click “Repair Drives”.
Select “Surface Scan” under “Select Drive Operation” then select your external hard drive from the list of drives. Click “Start” to begin the test. Once the problem is fixed, backup all the files from the drive into your computer’s internal hard drive and then format the external hard drive. Just copy the files back after formatting the drive.