Brief for this installation package could not be opened with steps.

Notify the steps for the this Installation package could not be opened in stepwise for the easy reference only and help with the solution too and thanks.

Notify the steps for the this Installation package could not be opened in stepwise for the easy reference only and help with the solution too and thanks.
The ways for this installation package could not be opened can be done from different OS to OS as per the configurations of the systems. Below shows the steps for the same too:
• First you need to manually open the registry editor.
• It can be for windows 7 or 8 respectively.
• Next click for Yes in the account control box
• Browse for the keywords there in
• Now click for the system file to display the content of the editor
• If the value is 0 then right click for the DWWORD and modify the same.
• Later close the registry and try for its installation.