Brief The Steps For Windows Could Not Search For New Updates And Causes Too.
Hello, brief the steps for the windows could not search for new updates as guidance and the causes for the same too and thank you so much for the solutions as well.
Hello, brief the steps for the windows could not search for new updates as guidance and the causes for the same too and thank you so much for the solutions as well.
Hey, windows could not search for new updates can be due to some error issues over the systems or can be due to the insufficient spaces present over the systems and can be also due to the network issues too. The error for the same can be like the 0x80000405, 0x8070422 or such other errors codes can be occurred. The causes for the same are as follows:
• First press for the windows key > network problems > identify the repair network problems
• Now follow the steps one after the other to resolve the network problems
• Next run the updates of windows again and it’s done successfully.