Broadband Connection Disconnect every 30 or 40 minutes

I got a small problem here. I am using a Vodafone broadband connection, and it gets disconnected after every 30 or 40 minutes, frequently.

I got a small problem here. I am using a Vodafone broadband connection, and it gets disconnected after every 30 or 40 minutes, frequently.
The Remote Access Service Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet cause the error 651 that appears to your connection. It`s very easy to resolve this problem. You just have to reboot your computer so that the cache will be clean and also to reset the modem. Next thing is to try renaming the Remote Access Service Point-to-Point Protocol file and take a copy from the Vista system.
It is better to download update from the website of the manufacture. After that try to re-install the LAN driver. After that try installing some latest patches to your Windows OS. This will fix necessary things that might be needed.
This will surely help well done expert for the solution. I had the same issue.