Could not load any browser after Personal Shield Pro Virus attacks

Asked By 10 points N/A Posted on -

Please help sir!

last day my computer was infected by PERSONAL SHIELD PRO virus.

After I cleaned up with MBAM, definitely every browser that I used including internet explorer can't be used. I have reinstalled the browser but still can't be used. Registry system has been cleaned from {random}.exe. I have checked the host too and replaced with the new one that I downloaded, but still can't. Do you know why it happened!

Please help me I am a little bit confused here.

Best Answer by acaddick
Best Answer
Best Answer
Answered By 0 points N/A #84764

Could not load any browser after Personal Shield Pro Virus attacks


Hi Marcia,

I hope you are fine. You have asked a question on TechyV forum regarding your virus scan and its aftermath. Sometimes it happens that a virus infects all your system files and when a virus scan is run it detects that virus and deletes the infected files.

I think same is the case with your system. Your anti-virus has cleaned all the files and removed the infected files which has caused this problem that you are unable to launch your web browser. I would recommend you to run a Windows repair program with the help of any bootable Windows disk. I hope this will make your system fine and your problem would be eradicated.

Thank you.

Answered By 10 points N/A #84765

Could not load any browser after Personal Shield Pro Virus attacks



Windows repair program.This was enough to solve my problem.

Thanks a lot, Acaddick.

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