Browser encountering a problem when connecting 401 error

Hi all,

Hi all,
You should check your system's date and time. Synchronize time with the current time and date.
This error often occurs due to wrong date or time.
If the problem persists, then you should install Mozilla Firefox 5 which is an amazing browser for smooth browsing without any error. I am currently using it. It is working amazingly and I am totally satisfied with it.
The snapshot of it is given below:
401 Unauthorized errors are an HTTP status code, which means when you are trying to loading a page with ID and password when you give a wrong ID or password then you got this error message. Or, you logged recently and received 401 Unauthorized error message then it means the word or number you insert were wrong for some reason.
a. Sometimes 401 Unauthorized errors occur when the URL was typed wrong or the link you were clicked on points to the wrong URL because it’s only for authorized persons only. So, check the URL first.
b. If the URL is right then visiting the website and find out the Login or Secure Access. Insert your ID & Password correctly and try again. If you have not credentials, then follow my below instructions for setting up an account.
c. Make sure your URL is correct and do not need to authorization, the 401 Unauthorized error message comes by mistake. Try to contact the webmaster or website developer and inform them about this problem.
d. Sometimes it occurs when you logged immediately and try again for logging. Wait some moments and try again. Follow the process is in place at the website to regain access to their system.
Thank You.