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Posted on - 02/23/2012
We have everything set up for us to migrate to W2003 from the current W2000 that we are using. We would however like to have a totally different user ID system that is easy to maintain, allows duplicates and does not have any connection to users’ name unlike the one that we are running which is tied to the users name in this way; the user ID bears the first letter of the users name and the full last name. Please let me know of any software that can help me perform this task. If anyone has been in a similar position please help.
Building a totally different user ID system in W2003
No software is designed to do the migration for you. You just have to do it yourself.
The only thing that you can do is to make this even easier for you.
First make a list of things that you have to do.
Copy all the users from one directory to a temporary directory.
When you create a new ID system, import that directory to the new one.
Now open both the old and new directory and define the rules by seeing from the old directory to the new directory.
After doing everything, you will be having a completely new Id system with same settings.