Bulk Import DNS Records Techniques
I have several zones in my Windows server. I need to add a few records to some zones. Can I bulk import dns records to any zone I want to and how can I do this? Thanks.
I have several zones in my Windows server. I need to add a few records to some zones. Can I bulk import dns records to any zone I want to and how can I do this? Thanks.
Hello Helenmarmsted,
Well you can certainly create the Bulk DNS records from any zone. The domains have to be in your system first before you add DNS records on them through. If the domain is not in your system then you can not import DNS from another registrar to your system.
Hi Helenmarmstead!
Yes you could definitely bulk import dns records to any zone. To do this, if you have multiple local DNS servers, you may want to build up a central cache on one for a few DNS servers, therefore limiting the DNS traffic sent over to your internet connection. In case that you wanted to set up one or a few DNS servers to do normal resolution w/o forwarding, and set up the remaining DNS servers to forward requests for all domains to the central servers.
I hope this would help.