Burst Time, Waiting Time and Information about Nice Value

Please also tell me that What is NICE VALUE?           Â
Dear friends I am waiting.
Thanking all of you.

Please also tell me that What is NICE VALUE?           Â
Dear friends I am waiting.
Thanking all of you.
Hello B. Lie how are you. M.Smith is here for your help so don’t take tension just follow my points then you will picked it. Ok. Burst time is the time taken by the CPU to run a process. Waiting time is the time for which a process waits to acquire the CPU. For example when time quantum expires or when a process is preempted, the process is taken from the CPU for some time and then given back to the CPU. This time for which a process remains away from the CPU due to some reason (as stated above) is the waiting time of that process. Hope you will be understand .
Now the second part of you question is that the Nice value is a property of a process that helps in determining its priority in the system. Consult the following link to know more about the nice value: https://linux.die.net/man/3/nice so check this link.
Hi B.Lie,
Burst time is estimated time between I/O required of which CPU can wait the process. Â
Before the process begins, the burst time cannot be predicted precisely i.e.CPU uses the amount of time that process in a single time. CPU could be used several times to complete the job.
CPU time or process time or CPU usage is the amount of time that CPU was used to process a program’s instructions rather than waiting for output/input (I/O) operations. CPU time is always Assessed by the ratio of capacity of CPU or number of clock ticks to compare the CPU workload to a program.
Nice value is the value that controls a process’s priority and nice () system call is provided. The equation is as follows.
(nice value) + (base-priority) + {(recent CPU usage)/constant} = Priority
The nice value could be supplied by Administrator only. Nice () system call only apply to running process. Nice value of a process could not be changed by another process.