Call an Oracle stored proc from SAS

Hi everyone
Iam using SAS 9.0. I would like to pass values and return values before that I want to know, How to call an Oracle stored Proc from SAS?

Hi everyone
Iam using SAS 9.0. I would like to pass values and return values before that I want to know, How to call an Oracle stored Proc from SAS?
There many ways to call Oracle stored procedures using SAS/ACCESS Interface to Oracle. Basically, SAS/ACCESS Interface to Oracle cannot used to acquire a result set from calling a stored process. This stored measures can called via the “EXECUTE” statement within the “PROC SQL” pass through ability.
You can call stored procedures using the “DBCONINIT” and “DBCONTERM LIBNAME” entrée options.
You could try use explicit SQL using PROC SQL pass through using the “EXECUTE” statement to call a stored procedure. They are not revisit a result set or output parameters.
I think this should work:
Just try it,
proc sql;
connect to oracle (user=userid password=password path=database_name);
execute (execute st_pr_name('parm')) by oracle;
disconnect from oracle;
I hope it will be work properly.