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Posted on - 08/09/2011
I want to call JavaScript code from C# and I have used RegisterClientScriptBlock method to achieve this. Now, the problem is that I want this code to be executed on specific event after 5-10 seconds. I cannot catch that event again so I have to call this method on that event. How can I achieve this?
Calling JavaScript after specific time?
Set timing method in java script will done this job. So you need to set timing method. First user this method setTimeout() with returns a value. You have to set its parameter for timing. You can set parameter in seconds. Then write the program codes. I am giving an example. You have to use these codes at your own ways.
<script type="text/javascript">
function timeMsg()
var t=setTimeout("alertMsg()",3000);
function alertMsg()
<input type="button" value="Display alert box in 3 seconds"
onclick="timeMsg()" />
As a result after clicking the button the display box will come after 3 seconds.