I need help to convert rotation matrix to quaternion. The computation of the covariance of image projection, can be done in which method. Can be the bundle adjustment more efficient by using the MEX file? Is SBA can be used in commercial application?
Can anyone help in the conversion of matrices?
Hi Albert,
You can try to use the code below to convert rotation matrix to quaternion.
inline floatSIGN(float x) {return (x >= 0.0f) ? +1.0f : -1.0f;}
inline floatNORM(float a, float b, float c, float d) {return sqrt(a * a + b * b + c * c + d * d);}
q0 = ( r11 + r22 + r33 + 1.0f) / 4.0f;
q1 = ( r11 – r22 – r33 + 1.0f) / 4.0f;
q2 = (-r11 + r22 – r33 + 1.0f) / 4.0f;
q3 = (-r11 – r22 + r33 + 1.0f) / 4.0f;
if(q0 < 0.0f) q0 = 0.0f;
if(q1 < 0.0f) q1 = 0.0f;
if(q2 < 0.0f) q2 = 0.0f;
if(q3 < 0.0f) q3 = 0.0f;
q0 = sqrt(q0);
q1 = sqrt(q1);
q2 = sqrt(q2);
q3 = sqrt(q3);
if(q0 >= q1 && q0 >= q2 && q0 >= q3) {
  q0 *= +1.0f;
  q1 *= SIGN(r32 – r23);
  q2 *= SIGN(r13 – r31);
  q3 *= SIGN(r21 – r12);
} else if(q1 >= q0 && q1 >= q2 && q1 >= q3) {
  q0 *= SIGN(r32 – r23);
  q1 *= +1.0f;
  q2 *= SIGN(r21 + r12);
  q3 *= SIGN(r13 + r31);
} else if(q2 >= q0 && q2 >= q1 && q2 >= q3) {
  q0 *= SIGN(r13 – r31);
  q1 *= SIGN(r21 + r12);
  q2 *= +1.0f;
  q3 *= SIGN(r32 + r23);
} else if(q3 >= q0 && q3 >= q1 && q3 >= q2) {
  q0 *= SIGN(r21 – r12);
  q1 *= SIGN(r31 + r13);
  q2 *= SIGN(r32 + r23);
  q3 *= +1.0f;
} else {
  printf("coding errorn");
r = NORM(q0, q1, q2, q3);
q0 /= r;
q1 /= r;
q2 /= r;
q3 /= r;