Can Anyone Help Me Towards Fixing My 0x000000c4 Error?

Hey, Guys! I had been stumbled across this 0x000000c4 error message while starting my computer. Can anyone tell me what could have caused it and how to fix it?

Hey, Guys! I had been stumbled across this 0x000000c4 error message while starting my computer. Can anyone tell me what could have caused it and how to fix it?
This 0x000000c4 error occurs when Driver Verifier incorrectly detects that the ISR for the driver has corrupted the extended thread context. The driver Verifier captures XSAVE areas after and before an ISR call made. And then, it compares the values to verify that context is not corrupted (by the Interrupted service routine). However, the areas differ in the feature mask in some cases. Then, Diver Verifier incorrectly flags the change as a violation. To fix it, you need to install the specific Microsoft Hotfix from their website for this error.