Can anyone share more details about Lotus Notes Register Editor

Dear All
I want to know about Lotus Notes Register Editor. Does this editor work with browsers other than Internet Explorer? Can anyone share more details about this Editor

Dear All
I want to know about Lotus Notes Register Editor. Does this editor work with browsers other than Internet Explorer? Can anyone share more details about this Editor
Hello, Jane Thmcalpaine!
You want to know more details about the Lotus registry editor. Here’s additional Information on this. Ok, today we will discuss how to register, configure portal, administrative preference menu setting, modifying administrative preferences. First, register the Notes portal import portal page. Log in as an administrator, select utility drop down menu and choose migration import. Browse to locate the portaletSuite-Lotus Notes. Pte load package overwrite remote servers and then you are finished. This editor works with Internet Explorer and other browsers are not recommended. Hope this answers your question. If you haveother issues, just visit this site again.
Have a good day.